Alésia Glidewell is a voice-over artist currently located in Los Angeles, California. She records technical narrations and commercial spots in her home studio for individual clients as well as auditions for outside work through her agents. She is a non-native speaker of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese and occasionally books work in those languages as well. Her biggest love within voice-over is video game and animation character work as she is a cartoon fan & video game geek.
On January 8, General Hospital doc Cassandra James shared via Instagram that she’d reached “a major milestone as a trans person! I finally got a new, gender-affirmed passport!
“Bureaucracy is challenging for all of us, forms and paperwork and red tape, but for so many trans folks, it can be really demoralizing and difficult,” she added. “Although I had support and managed to process my name and gender marker change through a court order here in Los Angeles in 2017, it took me seven years to get to this moment, to finally get an internationally recognized travel document that aligns with me authentically.
Chandler Head is an actress who has recently started acting in movies and TV series. She grew in a safe and loving environment of her parents and family.
She has always been interested and active in arts rather than only formal studies. During the school and high school life, she wrote the poet, practiced music, and dance with her heart out.
With all those talents, she chose acting as her passion and started to pursue a career in acting.
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People are currently reading this guide. How to Insure Your Pet in OSRS: A Guide for Accidental Adventurers and Clumsy Cat Owners Ah, pets. Those adorable little pixels that follow you around Gielinor, shedding cuteness and the occasional existential dread when they wander into a dragon's fiery breath. But let's face it, adventurers, our lives are fraught with peril. One minute you're slaying goblins, the next you're faceplanting into a lava pit with your prized Chompy Chick screeching its tiny heart out.
Linda Harding is the spouse of Hamish Harding and furthermore an artistic work computerized photographic artist situated in Little Stone. Her photos, which frequently join components of the mysterious with this present reality, have an unpleasant wonder. A greater amount of Linda’s photos should be visible on her site @ or at Boswell Mourot Compelling artwork in Little Stone.
Early Life Linda Harding is presumably living into her fifties and she was born during the 1970s.
Serena Williams may be used to winning on the tennis courts, but the now-retired athlete took to the 2024 Met Gala to give a much-needed serve, style-wise. As fashion's biggest night transitioned from "Garden of Time" to party mode, Williams swapped out her trophy gold ensemble to sport a timeless summer trend. And by doing so, she was yet another A-lister to endorse an unlikely style off the Met Gala red carpet.
Grab your phones and get yourself to a Starbucks ASAP: the Tie-Dye Frappuccino is here! Here's everything you need to know about the gorgeous, multi-colored frap that's only available for five short days.
If you noticed a longer than usual line at your local Starbucks this morning, you’re not alone. The coffee chain just released their latest viral drink, called the Tie-Dye Frappuccino on July 10, and the tropical, rainbow treat has Starbucks lovers obsessed.
People are currently reading this guide. Dodging the sardine can commute: A hilarious guide to NYC Subway Rush HourAh, the NYC Subway. A glorious, grimy, never-ending ballet of humanity (and questionable smells). But like any good dance, it has its rush hour, a time when personal space becomes a myth and squeezing onto a train feels like a scene out of a clown car.
So, you're wondering, when exactly does this delightful sardine can situation occur?
Candace Owens, a well-known conservative political commentator and public figure, is often in the spotlight for her outspoken views and activism. However, behind every successful woman is a supportive partner, in this case, her husband, George Farmer. Today, we will delve into George Farmer’s financial status and explore his net worth, assets, and business ventures.
When it comes to George Farmer’s net worth, he stands out as an incredibly prosperous individual.